Multiple fine wines from different estates

Explore a great collection of fine wines from the different estates of the Vignobles K Group. Located at the very heart of Saint-Emilion, Vignobles K continues a proud winemaking heritage in this prestigious appellation with a reputation for elegant wines showing finesse and intensity.

Find your perfect wine to discover and share with your family and friends. We offer a plethora of authentic, quality wines from internationally known appellations like Saint-Emilion and Pomerol to lesser known but equally exciting ones such as Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux.

Exclusive and engaging offers

Our boutique profiles our different properties making some of the most enchanting wines, with the right mix of edge, character, balance, and drinkability.

We strive to create exclusive and engaging offers with a genuine passion for our craft.

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Exclusive handpicked wines for you and your friends.

Enjoy personal access to the Vignobles K estates, early access, exclusive events, special offers, discounts, private experiences and customization options to suit your preferences.

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